HexaTime is a live wallpaper which displays the current time and simultaneously sets your wallpaper to the corresponding hexadecimal color. In other words, the clock is shown as a hex triplet code, while your background color is gradually adjusted as time passes. This keeps your homescreen feeling fresh with an assortment of unique hues being displayed throughout the 24 hours of the day.
In addition, HexaTime is fully open source. Feel free to contribute to the app if you see room for improvement.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">HexaTime是一个动态壁纸显示当前时间,同时设置你的壁纸为相应的十六进制颜色。换句话说,时钟显示为十六进制三联体密码,而你的背景色被逐步调整随着时间的经过。这样可以使您的主屏幕感觉清新与被显示在整个一天24小时的独特色调的品种。
http://goo.gl/sKS2Zs</div> <div class="show-more-end">